The Hidden Culprit Behind Golf Injuries
Mason Laudermilch PT, DPT, OCS, Palmyra Clinic
Blue skies, warm air…golf season…is that you?
Get prepped to hit your best drive yet! Did you know that in 2023, roughly 45 million people across the United States enjoyed some form of golf? That’s a lot of swings!
It’s common for golfers to experience overuse injuries, particularly in the back, neck, and shoulders. The golf swing is a complex, full-body movement that requires coordination and precision. Even slight flaws in form or limitations in mobility can place excessive stress on these areas, leading to pain and discomfort.
That’s where the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) comes in. As “the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing,” TPI has extensively analyzed how physical limitations can negatively impact a golfer’s swing and increase the risk of injury.
Low back pain is the most prevalent golf injury, accounting for a staggering 25% of all golf-related injuries. A study of over 31,000 golfers revealed that 28.1% experience low back pain after every round!
What are some common swing problems that lead to injuries?
- Early Extension: This is a frequent issue among amateur golfers, where the pelvis moves towards the ball during the downswing, often resulting in blocked or hooked shots.
- Reverse Spine Angle: Characterized by excessive backward or lateral bending of the upper body during the backswing.
- Sway and Slide: Sway involves increased lateral movement during the backswing, while slide refers to excessive lateral motion towards the ball during the downswing.
How can our physical therapists help you prevent these issues?
Our therapists will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your:
- Cervical mobility (neck)
- Thoracic mobility (upper back)
- Shoulder mobility
- Wrist mobility
- Hip mobility
- Ankle mobility
- Lumbopelvic control (lower back and core)
By addressing any limitations in these areas, we can help you improve your swing mechanics, reduce your risk of injury, and enhance your overall performance on the course.
Remember: Don’t let pain sideline your golfing season. Let us help you achieve your best swing!