
Saddle Up for Success: How Physical Therapy Can Elevate Your Horseback Riding

By: Sam Slater, PT, DPT, New Cumberland Clinic

For many, horseback riding is more than just a hobby; it’s a passion, a connection with nature, and a thrilling athletic pursuit. But whether you’re a seasoned competitor or a casual trail rider, even the most dedicated equestrian can face limitations. Did you know that physical therapy can help horseback riders not only after an injury, but can also assist in improving overall performance?

If you aren’t sure why you are not making progress in your riding, here are some common issues to consider that can be helped with physical therapy.

A physical therapist can complete an evaluation to determine what may be impacting your riding:

  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Lack of ankle range of motion
  • Core weakness
  • Shoulder weakness
  • Pelvic tilt
  • Pelvic dysfunction
  • Concussion after a fall

At LHMPTI, we have physical therapists who are horseback riders and understand how to check for common symptoms that impact performance and/or cause pain.

For example, leg length discrepancy could be causing your stirrups to feel uneven, lack of ankle range of motion could be why you can’t get your heels down, and core weakness could increase your chances of falling off your horse.

If you think you might benefit from physical therapy to improve your riding or decrease your pain, find an LHMPTI location near you and call to schedule your first appointment to see how we can help!

Don’t let physical limitations hold you back from enjoying your love of horseback riding.